If you want to enjoy the perfect winter or summer break in one of UK’s major cities, then Leeds is your ultimate destination.
It is a top hot spot for tourists and residents alike. Rich shopping paradise arcades, a lively nightlife, exotic museums, art galleries, and rich history are some aspects that make Leeds different from its counterparts. So, if you want to visit Leeds or are looking for ways to go around the city, then check out the following online tools for an ultimate traveling experience in the beautiful city!
Book flight with Momondo
If you want to travel without paying an arm and a leg the visit Momondo to find and compare prices of flights to your favorite destination with some of the hottest deals on offer everyday! You can do all this, and more from the comfort of your abode. Just visit Momondo to choose your trip destination, type, and dates.
This flight tool brings you a combination of the best flight prices from leading traveling sites and providers additional features such as advice on which dates can offer you the cheapest flight!
Book taxi through Minicabit
Travelling in ease, comfort, and at low costs was once a myth. However, Minicabit brings you taxis to your doorstep without any effort! Just visit minicabit and enter your traveling information. The site will provide you with the best taxi fare quotes from around the city with just a click.
So now, travel with ease and comfort at low cost!
Book hotel through Hotels-Scanner
Hotel accommodation in Leeds can be expensive and time consuming — but not with hotels-scanner! It is a website made just for your convenience. Prices are scanned from hundreds of hotels in the city You can choose from a variety of options in the cheapest hotels.
Oh, and did we mention? The service is free of cost! You can save up to 75 percent on hotel accommodations now!
Looking for the best dine-out options in Leeds?
Whether you are a foodie or not, you can NOT miss the savory when in Leeds, from small cafes, restaurants, bars to appetizing fine dining facilities, the city has got all your FOOD needs covered! Just visit visitleeds.co.uk to find out the best dining deals on plate.
Don’t miss out the Millennium Square Summer Series!
It is a MUST thing to do if you are planning to visit Leeds or living in the city. Heart, in collaboration with Leeds City Council, brings you a day filled with fascination and awesome outdoor activities throughout summer.
From music, dance, concert to festivals, there is always something for everyone to enjoy! It is expected to start from 17th July and go on until 8th August. You can visit here for more details.
Real Food Ilkley Market
If you are looking for a taste of fine food from local producers, then visit Real Food Ilkley Market that is an initiative set by local producers and sellers. It happens on the first Sunday of every month from 10 am to 3 pm.
It is an open air market with a variety of fine food products. So, if you want to show your support to the local producers and enjoy a weekend out in the beautiful city, then visit here.
Be at the first Direct Arena Show
You don’t want to miss this one!
Happening on Saturday, July 9th the play hosts UK’s strongest man and women championship for Deadlift. This event is sure to leave you in astonishment as you see huge/giant people run with cars, play with the Atlas stone, toss kegs and much more.
So, if you want to meet Hathor Bjornssson from the Games of Thrones, you will definitely want to be here!